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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: May 2023Deals bought: 207Posted: Jun 11, 2024

Great product and one of the best deals on AppSumo!

I was initially skeptical about TaskMagic. My previous experience with Robomotion left me frustrated due to its complexity and inflexibility, and I made the mistake of purchasing TaskMagic without dedicating a couple of hours to learning the basics. However, once I got over the initial learning curve (which is to be expected in a new field), I discovered how powerful this tool is. I made the mistake once - but I recovered and maxed out this deal plus additional cloud hours.

We have integrated it into our personal flows with apps like TaskMagic and we have created content capture agents for our clients. All with minimal training and no downtime.

The "magic" really happens once you understand how to use it. Features like the dedicated IP, an unbeatable deal on cloud hours, and a rapidly growing, engaged online community make this company stand out. TaskMagic is perfect for agencies looking to advance beyond chatbots and AI-driven content to generate real client revenue. Don’t miss out on this deal; those who don't take advantage will certainly regret it.

Founder Team


Jun 11, 2024

I will never quite fully appreciate this sentiment, dano! It’s surreal to see you go over the little learning curve and then THRIVE and integrate it like you have ;) it really is that cliche “magic moment” like you said when it clicks! It really does feel like magic! Thanks for this!!
