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5 stars
5 stars
Member since: Feb 2018Deals bought: 442Posted: Jun 11, 2024

You really, really should buy this. It will be a huuuge help

I have to admit: although I have owned Taskmagic for months and have experimented with it from time to time, I still feel like a beginner. BUT: I can FEEL the IMMENSE potential it has. And since the community on the Skool platform was established, it has taken another leap forward.

And Jeremy, the founder, is really awesome. I have rarely (if ever) encountered someone like him among SAAS founders.

The value of this app lies not ONLY in the technology but also in the dedication of Jeremy, Kyle, and others.

Founder Team


Jun 12, 2024

Reading things like this is when I wished I knew real names. Haha. It’s so heartfelt and meaningful to me as an entrepreneur, I want to hang it up. Your review feels product, personal and triumphant and I appreciate reading it. It’s starting to click for you and I can feel that! ;) thanks for this! We’ll here for you every step!
