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Member since: Sep 2014Deals bought: 811
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jan 4, 2024

Lives up to its name

TeamGPT is pretty sweet, I have to say. It's like a financial superhero, swooping in to rescue you from those $20 monthly bills for individual ChatGPT Plus subscriptions. Plus, the organizational mojo it brings to your chats with team folders and subfolders is seriously handy. Sure, watch out for those API fees – they can be a bit sneaky. But the cool part? You've got the power to set limits and versions for each chat. It's not all sunshine, but TeamGPT does make the work-life a bit brighter.

And yes, ChatGPT rewrote my review.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024


Love the review! Stoked we're helping cut costs and organize better. Appreciate the heads up on API fees, too.
Overall, if we're making your work-life brighter, we're winning.

Cheers to ChatGPT for a stellar review rewrite!

