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Verified purchaser

Member since: Dec 2023Deals bought: 5
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Dec 11, 2023

Now that's a REAL useful Chatgpt layer

Well done to the team for having found this idea! It's so clever and there is so much potential for it.

Finally found a way to educate, collaborate and track the adoption of chatgpt with my team.

Took a bet on the future with more seats (5 codes) than current number of employees. Hope it pays off!


My only worry: Please keep your AppSumo subscribers with the lifetime deal even when you're becoming much bigger than us (because I'm sure you'll grow a lot). Heard stories of some companies that were a bit less keen to respect it when they were large and profitable.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi Ludovic, thank you so much for the review 🚀 and the support 🙌 !

Of course! We will keep our promise to our Sumolings -- you are a massive part of our success.

To greatness, together!

