TeliportMe Virtual Tours

Product details

Just to clarify, the (10) tours are one-time use only?

Just to clarify, the (10) tours are one-time use only? Meaning we can't delete a tour and add another? If so, this is a disposable deal, not really lifetime.

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    Vineet_TeliportMeFounder team
    | Member Since:

    You can replace a tour with another tour till you are under the storage limit. The storage limit is the only thing that cannot he upgraded but if you stack more codes you get more storage limits.

    Vineet_TeliportMeFounder team
    | Member Since:

    Hi there - this is the founder of @teliportme. I know you have asked a few questions and maybe you were not sure of if you need to make a purchasing decision. We are in the last 4 days of our deal on AppSumo Marketplace so if you are looking to buy into the Virtual tour space and also our product this would be the time to buy one code from us. We have upgraded our stacking limits specifically for this Marketplace deal.

    If you have any further questions let me know at :

    | Deals Bought: 823 | Member Since:

    Ok, great.