Textmetrics SME

    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Improve the quality and impact of your copy with this powerful, multilingual AI writing assistant

    No matter how much thought you put into it, your written content just doesn’t hit the right note. (“So when Lemony Snicket is sarcastic, it’s funny, but when I do it, it’s confusing?!”)

    Unfortunately, writing engaging copy that’s free of bias and reaches your target audience can take hours of research even with a diverse team of writers.

    What if you could use one AI-powered tool to improve the quality of your messaging and its SEO, in multiple languages?

    Do it with Textmetrics SME.


    too long didn't read
    Use an AI writing assistant to improve your copy’s readability and SEO, and get suggestions you can apply with one click
    Integrate with your favorite CMS, including Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and WordPress



    Textmetrics SME is a smart, multilingual writing assistant that helps you improve the quality and SEO for all your written content.

    Textmetrics SME uses AI to help you optimize your daily copywriting workflow and produce a steady stream of content that resonates with your target audience.

    You can easily integrate this tool with your favorite CMS, including Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and WordPress.

    Just upload documents directly or import content via URL, with access to all your pages and projects on one dashboard.

    From there, you’ll be able to analyze your content’s readability and make sure it contains language that matches your audience’s reading level and demographics.

    Readability score

    Make sure your content is readable and resonates with your target audience.

    Thanks to Textmetrics SME’s AI writing assistant, you can improve the quality of your content in just a few clicks.

    The tool will highlight areas of text that need improvement, so you can click to simplify, expand, or rephrase what you’ve written.

    On top of identifying grammatical and spelling errors, you’ll also get suggestions for alternate wording when your writing sounds too clunky or confusing.

    AI writing assistant

    Use the AI writing assistant to improve and rewrite copy in a few clicks.

    Want to get more eyes on your content? Textmetrics SME lets you optimize your content for search engines using built-in SEO tools.

    You’ll be able to analyze your text’s performance and keywords, identify areas that need improvement, and get suggestions to improve visibility.

    That way, you can make sure your content is actually reaching the target audience it’s been tailored for.

    SEO analysis

    Analyze and improve your content’s SEO using built-in tools.

    Best of all, you can use the Textmetrics SME platform in multiple languages, for content optimization across the globe.

    In addition to English, you can optimize written content in Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and many more.

    Plus, along with the content analysis and AI assistant, the SEO tools are also available in multiple languages.

    Multilingual display options

    Access all the platform’s features and optimize content in multiple languages.

    In the marketing world, good communication is key and every audience segment has a different lock. (“In the words of Gen Z, does this slap? Am I using that right?”)

    Textmetrics SME is an AI-powered tool that helps you improve the quality and search ranking of your written content, so you can engage with your target audience every time.

    Improve your messaging with AI.

    Get lifetime access to Textmetrics SME today!

    From the founders

    A message from Textmetrics SME

    Hey Sumo-Lings,

    We are Marcel and Kyrill, founders of Textmetrics SME. We are passionate about increasing the value of every person, every department, and every organization—all of which increase business potential.

    One frequently underestimated asset in business is text! Communication is the human tool to create connection.

    The writing or spreading of texts is the most universal way to reach and connect with people. People from all over the world.

    Textmetrics SME

    Are you tired of battling with writer's block and trying to create content that's both compelling and SEO-friendly? Look no further than Textmetrics SME! Our revolutionary Smart AI Writing Software takes the guesswork out of writing, allowing you to create captivating, easily searchable content with ease. And with our cutting-edge technology, you can eliminate gender bias and make sure your message resonates with your audience. Plus, our optimization features help you achieve even greater success. Say goodbye to writing struggles and hello to writing victory with Textmetrics SME!

    Why Textmetrics SME?

    If you're looking for more than just a simple writing tool, Textmetrics SME is the answer to your prayers. Our intelligent assistant provides personalized feedback on your writing, thanks to its targeted modules for readability and SEO. You'll be able to create captivating content that's easily discoverable by your audience. And our latest AI features make it easier than ever to take advantage of the benefits of AI writing. With Textmetrics SME as your all-in-one writing assistant, you can streamline your workflow, enhance your writing skills, and leverage the power of AI to achieve even greater success.

    What value does it add?

    Think of Textmetrics SME as your very own superhero, coming to the rescue of companies in need. With its superhuman abilities, it helps businesses accomplish their objectives of boosting conversion rates, fostering diversity and inclusion, and crafting top-tier written content. It's like having a language expert and marketing genius all wrapped up in one incredible package!

    For which countries?

    Textmetrics SME doesn't just cater to English speakers - our modules are multilingual, so you can choose from a variety of display languages, including English, Dutch, and German. And if that wasn't enough, our B1 module and content analysis are also available in a plethora of other languages, such as French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish and beyond. And no matter what language you're using, our SEO module is available to help optimize your content for the best results possible.

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