Thinkstack Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 35 questions

Q: modifying prompt how bot answers questions?

first i wanted to compliment how well and simple the service is built - well done! just one question - is it possible to modify the prompt for changing how the bot answers? currently its giving correct answers but long-ones, in few paragraphs, but this is not how you normally talk to people when they ask you questions, its not like conversation that flows.

tanelkookmaaPLUSSep 16, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Thank you for your feedback. Yes, we are working on exposing the prompt, which can be modified. You can expect this in our 9th October release.


Q: Will the bot learn from previous chats and cases, because adding FAQs seems tiring?

piotr42PLUSAug 1, 2024
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Aug 5, 2024

A: The bot learns from interactions and improves over time. However, you must use web scraping and document scraping to add information, making it less tiring than adding FAQs manually. If the bot encounters a question it can't answer, you can directly provide the correct response.


Q: Is it possible to integrate this in Shopify ?

James_1PLUSJul 29, 2024
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Founder Team


Jul 29, 2024

A: Yes, you can integrate with Shopify.


Q: Few questions.

Is this only a bot for my website to create a chat box, or can it be used in a variety of ways
- Instagram outreach (can do outreach on my behalf)
- texting (connecting with Twillio)
- FB messenger

Is this bot trained for sales, or can it be? There are techniques to move prospects along the conversation and ask certain questions to get people towards your desired CTA (sale, sales call, etc). Is it trained in this, or can we add in custom trainings?

Will the bot remember conversations from previous users they’ve interacted with?

ryan542PLUSJul 25, 2024
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Founder Team


Jul 29, 2024

A: - Currently, it is designed just for creating chatbot for your website. Some of the use cases you mentioned are their in our pipeline.

- As of now, the bot can only be trained with a knowledge base for support. As discussed above, we are working towards making the bot more tuned for sales-related activities.

- No, the chatbot starts afresh with every new session. However, we understand it...


Q: Regarding the Saas.

I have some question
People can see the chatbot id and also thinkstack.
1 can other use it on other website ? we need to prevent it
2 we need to hide the thinkstack src
3 what if your server/ website down / slow
4 for agency we can give each website different login to train and other things ?

utomoPLUSJul 16, 2024
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Founder Team


Jul 25, 2024

A: Sorry for the delayed response.

1. We have a feature of domain restriction on each chatbot.
2. We are coming out with a White label solution, where this can be achieved.
3. Ideally, it should not happen. We have designed our infrastructure for high availability.
4. This can be achieved through multi-user functionality by providing access to a specific chatbot for a specific user.
