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Member since: Nov 2017Deals bought: 254
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Oct 6, 2023

Almost perfect

I bought this yesterday and I started to test it out.
Processing my hours is a breeze with this tool, just do your work and at the end (or the next day) you can say which time is for which project / client.

Why not 5 Taco's?
There is room for improvement.
1. Import projects
2. Import clients
3. Import users
4. Connect URL to a project?
5. Exclude URL's from Timegram
6. Stop product Tour
7. Dismiss time as non billable.

1,2,3 explains itself.
4. When working on a website, I have a test URL (, would it be easy to connect this to a client and process the time on that website to the client?
5. This is an import one, if you can exclude some url's or application from Timegram, you don't have to process this (everyday?) for instance Facebook.
6. The product tour keeps starting everytime I log in, when does it stop or how can I stop it?
7. Some actions don't need the be connected to a client or a project. Would it be easy to add non-billeable so you can process all your time everyday?

I have used and seen many time trackers, but this one is a very good one. Processing my time is a breeze.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hi there. Both the 'Exclude URLs' feature and the 'Select All Highlights' feature are now live. Did you get a chance to test them out? You will have to download the updated desktop app for it to work. Do let me know if you find it to your satisfaction. Thank you.
