Yes, Timerise can be used for multiple businesses, but the LTD deal is not the best for that. We have a dedicated model and offer for resellers. How about we move this conversation to email ( Let me know, and I'll be happy to help.
Do you offer unlimited calendars & spaces? Am I able to provide individual calendars for other business and tailor and brand them to specific businesses?
Q: is it possible to set up recurring books?
for example a client can book every monday at 1pm and get charged per month or per meeting or something
May 15, 2024A: Hi,
Thank you for that question. Currently, it's only possible to do that using our API, but this feature will be available in the app by the end Q1 2024.
All the best,
Share Timerise
Q: Can it be used for multiple businesses and when can I connect Microsoft 365?
Does the LTD have multiple projects and user roles where this user is assigned to this project and can't see the other?
May 15, 2024A: Hi,
Yes, Timerise can be used for multiple businesses, but the LTD deal is not the best for that. We have a dedicated model and offer for resellers. How about we move this conversation to email ( Let me know, and I'll be happy to help.
All the best,
Share Timerise
Q: Can I change UI into Japanese?
May 14, 2024A: Hi,
not at this moment. Considering our roadmap, maybe we could do it in Q1 2024.
All the best,
Share Timerise
I see. Thank you for your reply!
Q: Before I purchase this calendar!
Do you offer unlimited calendars & spaces? Am I able to provide individual calendars for other business and tailor and brand them to specific businesses?
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Q: I was just about to sign up and noticed that you don't integrate with office365.
That's a bummer since we don't use Google calendar and it's not practicle to switch at this time. :-(
May 15, 2024A: Hi,
I'm sorry, but we don't support the Office365 integration yet. Q1 next year sounds likely.
All the best,
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