TimeSync - Plus exclusive

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Q: What are the limits for SMS reminders?

Also, is it a monthly limit or one time use?

One more thing, do you have a workflow feature by any chance? For example, once a customer books an appointment, 5 days before the appointment - send an email with case study, 3 days before the appointment -valuable resources to read before the meeting, 1 day before the appointment - looking forward to our meeting tomorrow, 1 hour before the appointment - send an SMS reminder for the meeting in less than an hour.


kimlovinoPLUSJun 7, 2023
Founder Team


May 15, 2024

A: Hi Kimlovino

Thanks for your inquiry.
There is no limit to SMS reminders as it works with text credits. This means you can utilize this feature as long as you have enough text credits. 1 SMS use up 1 text credit.

There is a possibility to send multiple reminders before the meeting takes place, but the content may be the same for each reminder. You can mix up using both email and SMS reminders to deliver different content. For your reference, please see these screenshots https://prnt.sc/2rAwtMH177xY and https://prnt.sc/S_gT89HWufjN

Hope this answers your question.

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