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Q: When will ne Transcreation feature arrive

"Aug 11, 2024: Hi, Thanks for your feedback. Our Transcreation engine for translation powered by LLM is coming out in less than 1month on!! You'll be surprised how good it is."
----> Is it already available (your "less than 1 months" comment is from 1 moths ago now)?
If not, when will it be available? It might keep me from refunding, I have 1 more week. Thanks!

user3500PLUSSep 9, 2024
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Posted: Sep 18, 2024

So your promised feature did not arrived as promised (can happen), no status update for us (looks fishy...) and you tried to pass the question by not answering for one week, but answered other questions after it, you have clearly been on the platform and seen it. Red flags all the way — I am refunding this, I've had enough. Buyers beware.