Q: I like this tool alot.
A couple of questions:
1) How can I easily tether multiple voting campaigns so that once a user finishes voting on one set of images, they can go to the next voting campaign? Is this where the custom button comes in or is there another simpler way?
2) Related to the above question, could you please add an option for the custom button to launch the URL in the same tab rather than a new tab? The reason for this is because if we have users complete multiple campaigns in the same session, the current design always leaves the old campaign tab open. This can quickly clutter up the browser with old tabs when multiple campaigns are being completed in the same session. Is this option something that you can integrate soon?
3) Are there any plans to allow the use of a keyboard for making voting selections as a way to provide accessibility to those who don't use a mouse?

May 14, 2024A: Hi, thank you for your questions and wonderful ideas. We plan to have those features with multiple voting campaigns one after another in a single mega camping, but it won't happen any time soon as it's very time-consuming and resource-intensive change, unfortunately. As for the accessibility component, that's an amazing idea. I haven't thought of it. I will talk to my team if we can implement it ASAP.

Thanks for considering my ideas. Also, I noticed in your intro message for this deal that you are directing folks to connect with you on LinkedIn. However, the link you provided does not currently connect to your profile. Just thought you should know.