Q: I activated my Tier 3 AppSumo plan.
But when I checked it, I only have 1000 Workspaces? Why is that? It says on the deal that it is unlimited.
markdickensonApr 21, 2023
Founder Team

May 15, 2024A: Hi!
You are supposed to use one workspace per project you manage.
For technical reasons, we had to put a limit to the number of workspaces in each plan. If you approach such a massive use, just send a message via our live chat, and we'll increase the limit to keep up with your expectation of "unlimited".
This being said, we set it to 1000 workspaces as a proxy of "unlimited", as it's very unlikely that someone will reach it. (Even our highest paying regular customers don't create anything close to 1000 workspaces).
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