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Member since: Feb 2020Deals bought: 1497
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 10, 2024

Best Tool For It's Price and Power Ever on Appsumo

UnaCMS (UNA) is be far the deepest tool that I have ever seen come through Appsumo. I say deep because this thing is like a pandora's box. The more you dive into it the more it opens up more superpowers. So the question everyone wants to know is do you need your own server. Yeah, you do but not how you may think. It's not like you go to HP or Dell and asked them to build you a server to run this thing. I mean you could or you could just connect with one of their preferred providers and launch the entire code in less than 20 mins and you are up and running. If you are a DIY'er then yeah you could spend half a day trying to set it up. If you just use one of their providers you could be up and running in less than 20-30 mins. I showed a quick walk through of the tool on my YouTube Channel and will have a setup course available shortly after if enough people request it. You can find that youtube walk through here
There is so much to Una CMS that no quick review can show it justice. This is a 7 Taco tool and because people had a difficult time setting it up is not a reason to give it a low rating. This is a BIG BOY Tool that takes time to set up and deploy. This is not like all the other community tools that come to Appsumo you can literally become Mark Z. in 24 hours. The power of knowing everyone on your platform content and messages and seeing all of the intricate details yield great responsibility. You will have to abide by a lot of legal rules as well because again privacy must be protected. They also have a marketplace where you can buy add on modules. The strongest tool that lends itself to it's likeness and power is Briliiant Directories, but even BD protect you from doing 60% of the work. This tool allows you to do 100% of the work so it's a tall task to put this tool in your Appsumo Shopping cart. Not impossible just know that it will require a lot of work. Make no mistake about it. If you want to have a community with 100% customization like no one has ever seen before and have it 100% whitelabled then build away. There are lots of help files and areas but they are not for the average everyday LTD'er looking to tinker around with. This is a full project that once complete could net you a lot cashflow through the setting up of tiers and adding value. I would also like to say that you could mix this tool with a couple of other tools from Appsumo and put together a really nice Ecosystem for years to come.

+ Pure power of controlling everything in a community (everything)
+ Marketplace for modules and add-ons

- Little to no direction on what to build and how to build it.
- Challenging installation but once set up you are off to the races.
