
    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Lift up your project with superior drone stock footage

    Lift up your project with amazing drone stock footage from Ungraded.

    Select from over 25.000 high-quality readily available videos.

    • Commercial license: This allows you to use the files forever, royalty-free, anywhere in the world.
    • High Resolution only: You always receive the highest resolution available, at least 4K.
    • Ungraded footage: Many of our footage is available as ungraded footage, instantly available. The ungraded file offers the possibility to color grade the footage to match your project.


    too long didn't read
    We provide filmmakers & content creators with superior aerial footage
    We combine footage into collections, creating curated sets for you to pick from



    Lift up your project with aerial footage.

    Ungraded is the ultimate destination for filmmakers and content creators looking for top-quality drone stock footage. Our vast library of stunning aerial footage captures the beauty of the world from unique angles and perspectives, adding depth and dimension to any project.

    Whether you're working on a documentary, travel vlog, or commercial video, Ungraded's collection of footage is sure to inspire and elevate your work.

    With easy-to-use search and download tools, finding and using the perfect footage has never been easier. Take your projects to new heights with Ungraded's incredible drone stock footage collection.

    Unlock your creativity with our drone stock footage - always high resolution, royalty-free and with ungraded options.

    Our collection boasts high-resolution files that come with a Super Simple License, granting you unlimited use of the footage anywhere in the world, royalty-free.

    With at least 4K resolution, our footage is always of the highest quality, and many of our files come with an ungraded option, allowing you to color grade the footage to fit your project perfectly.

    Choose Ungraded for your next video project and gain access to the best stock footage today!

    From the founders

    March 22, 2023

    Hi Sumo-lings 👋


    I'm Jan, co-founder and CEO of Ungraded. We specialize in providing high-quality drone stock footage for various creative projects. Our footage is perfect for filmmakers, advertisers, and content creators who want to add a unique and stunning visual element to their work.


    We've been looking forward to launching here and are happy to finally be part of the AppSumo community!


    📽Why Ungraded?


    We focus solely on aerial footage, captured by high-quality drones. Our footage provides a bird's eye view that you simply can't get with traditional cameras. Whether you're working on a film, commercial, or social media campaign, our drone footage will add a level of depth and visual interest that will set your work apart from the rest.


    🚀 Here's the biggest advantages for the AppSumo community:

    Commercial license: This allows you to use the files forever, royalty-free, anywhere in the world.

    High Resolution only: You always receive the highest resolution available, at least 4K.

    Ungraded footage: Many of our footage is available as ungraded footage, instantly available. The ungraded file offers the possibility to color grade the footage to match your project.


    📈 Future advantages:

    Ungraded is growing rapidly and foremost our catalogue. Purchased credits can be used anytime in the future, so you can expect even more stunning footage available for download.


    ℹ️ Let us help you!

    Looking for specific footage? We would love to help you find what your looking for. Feel free to reach out and we can point you in the right direction.

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