Q: Voice cloning
Hi There,
In the list of features, there is voice cloning :
Features of the Text to Speech Studio
-๐ Easy-to-use interface with advanced script editing ๐ป
-๐ค 1300+ pre-trained high-quality Synthetic AI Voices with customization support like Pitch, Speed, Intensity etc๐ฃ๏ธ
-๐ฃ๏ธ Expressive voices ๐
-๐ฃ๏ธ Voice Cloning
But in reality this feature isn't avalaible. I'm very dispointed. Will you add it or i have to ask a refund (i bought tiers 2).

Jan 6, 2025A: Hi Dkoop,
The list of features mention the product features overall and under each Tier it is mentioned what is available for each Tier.
Voice cloning will be available through addons in Tier 3 and Tier 4 soon!
Do you mean voice cloning as an EXTRA PAID addon?
This seems really misleading. I was about to buy this based on the various mentions of voice cloning in the main text, but now I'm not sure under what circumstances I'd get this feature. If I had to get the highest tier or pay an extra fee, I would definitely go for a different product.