Q: Hi, I'm considering purchase upfeed and I'm currently evaluating and comparing it to other products.
It looks like you are offering 3 main features: changelog, feature requests/upvotes, and roadmap.
Are we able to enable / disable these features? I mean, can I use upfeed for changelog only, and disable the other features or for roadmap only? Or enable only 2 of them?
May 14, 2024A: Hi there,
Currently you can disable the roadmap. The feedback tab and changelog are fixed, but we'll be including the ability to hide the changelog if desired soon.
thanks. do you you have any deadline for this feature? since you are supporting unlimited companies, I'd like to add upfeed to my online products but sometimes i will need to enable 1 feature, sometimes 2 and sometimes all 3.
Is custom CSS supported? If so, I can probably hide unwanted tabs / links.
No I don't have any ETA to share, but should be this quarter. Lots of new things in the works, but this is pretty lightweight so shouldn't take much time to include.
Custom CSS is not supported, but we are working on allowing style changes. I doubt we'll support full css as it could open the door to a lot of support issues when people break layout and whatnot, so probably more simple overrides on certain elements will be allowed.