Q: I have an uncaught error.
please advise.
May 14, 2024A: Hi Sambuno,
Please contact at support@uschema.io with the following information.
1- screenshot of the error screen.
2- When you are getting the error.
3- Your website URL
Our support team shall assist you.
Verified purchaser
Screenshot of fatal error: https://capture.dropbox.com/qu4WLEuugWy0EqbE?src=ss
Please advise.
Website: sambuno.com
Hi Sambuno,
It looks like the error is generated from the plugin 'amp-popup'
Can you please disable that plugin and then check again.
If the problem is solved, you may forward this exact screenshot to the 'amp-popup' plugin developers to fix this.
Hope it helps.
Please feel free to reach out if you experience any problem.
Verified purchaser
I’ve disabled it. Not it. Sent issue on email.
Hi Sambuno,
I have sent you an email reply to please provide us the view access for the screencast you have shared. Please reply through email and we shall resolve the issue.
Thanks for your patience.
Verified purchaser
Here is the short screencast explaining the issue: https://www.loom.com/share/90078e1367954f37abd80d8120316b4b
Please advise.
Marking it resolved as the issue has been resolved. Thanks for your confirmation.