Q: AI Chatbot for Driving Sales

I want to create the AI Chatbot for driving sales. For example, if customer asks certain sales-related question, the Chatbot will detect it and trigger the promotional question (e.g. do you want a coupon code?).
1. Can you platform support this?
2. Is it easy to train the bot for this?
3. Does your platform support Bigcommerce ecommerce platform?

Alan615Sep 10, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 10, 2024

A: Hi, thank you for your questions. I will answer them one by one.

1. VanChat currently supports promoting product sales through discount codes. When shoppers inquire whether certain products have discounts, VanChat can accurately inform them about the current discount policies for those products and issue discount codes to the shoppers. Additionally, VanChat has proactive sales capabilities. When users browse the website, add items to the cart, or place orders, VanChat will proactively display chat pop-ups to remind users about discounts or promotions based on the specific situation, thus quickly driving product sales.

2. Training the chatbot is very easy. For general information, such as product details, return/exchange policies, and discount information, VanChat can be trained automatically without requiring any action from the merchant. VanChat also supports uploading additional data, such as product manuals or special discount strategies, to further train the chatbot.

3. Currently, VanChat only supports Shopify and does not yet support Bigcommerce.


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