Video To Blog

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Q: can you add feature where ai understands context

of the whole blog and can generate ai images from understanding a paragraph and making a prompt , by contextualising a paragraph in relation to the whole blog ?

ie vtb can come up with some image prompts ? or maybe suggest image prompts that we ok or edit before image is generated ?

I read, type forward slash to show options, but it just put a forward slash on page

so also it suggested to highlight text, so highlight text and then forward slash opens the options but the highlighted text disappears.

I was quite pleased with the first blog generated,

what about allowing text upload, like if had a video transcript then upload that for vtb to generate a blog from the text ?


bhagsyPLUSSep 18, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

A: That a cool idea. I can look into that, but you could also just use the custom image prompt to do that exact thing right now.

Type forward slash on a blank line. Otherwise, just highlight text to get open the menu.

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