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Q: Does it support Arabic, French input to other languages?


Was about to buy another product, now testing your demo, but struggling with obtaining a proper Arabic clean transcript. I guess I'm doing something wrong coz I did this very quick.

Question: Can I take a video in English and produce an output in French or Arabic or Spanish or "else" ?
Can I take a video in any other language and produce an output in English or else?

On what basis is the article SEO optimized? Based on SEO search volume and SERP data or simply based on the LLM?

Very interesting project!

106513009536107841012Sep 30, 2024
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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 30, 2024

Hey, so if you are in your project view, you can tell the assistant to rewrite everything in another language. Even better, write it in the target language already. Then go over the outline and check that everything is in the target language (title and instructions) and then click the Generate All button. This should force the AI to write everything in that language.

Posted: Sep 30, 2024

Hi! Thanks for the quick answer. So far trying with the free demo and when I click new upload I get multiple choices (transcriptions, blog, educational, etc.) but no options to select the input language or output language. For example, I uploaded a video in Arabic and even the transcript was written in English and completely missed out. Maybe it would help the transcription to specify the language

Posted: Sep 30, 2024

part2: specify the language of the video and specify the desired output language. As for a french video, it was automatically translated into English, but at least the transcript was in French. thanks!

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 30, 2024

SEO optimized in the sense of the exported blog article, and best practices regarding how the content is structured. We are also currently integrating SEO keyword data based on search volume, but this is not ready yet