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Q: Is it normal to have 15-20fps video?

Even in strong connection environments, on different devices And different browsers I have an issue where the fps of the video feeds are low on the recieving end.

Also tried with different resolutions as well.

Is this a bug or just a factor of how vivo meets works?

The_MansDec 4, 2024
Founder Team


Dec 4, 2024

A: Thank you for reaching out. Have you updated your camera settings to 1080p? By default, they are typically 720p. You can adjust it to 320p or 1080p, based on your internet bandwidth. For guidance, watch this step-by-step video:

Please check your external or virtual camera settings, as these are not part of our product and may vary depending on the device. Adjusting these settings is outside our scope of support, but referring to your camera's user manual or product support page should help.

Let us know if there’s anything else we can assist with!

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Posted: Dec 4, 2024

Thanks, but my comment ruled out every recommendation you just said before you said it.

Should I expect smooth video? I just measured it and I'm getting less than 15 FPS across all devices. I just want to know if this is normal or not, please. Thanks.

Posted: Dec 5, 2024

You’re welcome! I cannot provide tailored recommendations without knowing the specific device or devices you’re using.
Just so you know, this chat forum is not meant to address support inquiries. We'll need to ask you questions that may need account-specific details. These are best handled through our customer support team, who can help you more effectively.
Thank you for understanding!