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Member since: Nov 2023Deals bought: 141
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4 stars
Posted: Jan 11, 2024

Good idea, but it needs to develop further before I can / want to use it!

I would have the following suggestions and recommendations for improvement:

1. Also an optional subheadline
2. At least 3 possible CTA buttons instead of just one
3. Two different CTA designs (primary, and secondary in an outlined design)
4. Because the user wants to know approximately how long the video will take, a time bar (it might be cool if the colored ring around the round speaker video would function as a rotating progress bar / time bar).
5. Optional a Footer (legal links etc.)
6. Videos on the landing page absolutely(!) have to load faster and be directly available!!!
7. Eliminate the following bugs (if possible):
- In Safari, strangely, 2(!) play buttons appear (1x above the screenshot and 1x above the speaker video, which probably doesn't work in autoplay on Mac Safari). And when playing for the first time, the play behavior somehow doesn't work properly and the two play buttons irritate and manipulate each other! Please check this in more detail and find the best possible solution!
- The video recording when creating a campaign doesn't work for me either (record button simply doesn't trigger anything - not even in Chrome), but that's not so important to me. Video upload is also enough.

And nice to have:
8. Free iFrame embedding for other booking tools below the video and the CTA buttons.
9. Auto-scroll through the website is great! At the end, however, I would prefer to have a scroll-up function in the website preview so that you can see the better or upper website view in parallel during the rest of the session.

I would be happy if you could let me know here as soon as you have implemented points 1-7.

Then I'll be back on board...

Founder Team


May 9, 2024


Thanks for your detailed feedback and suggestions! We'll take them into consideration for future updates.

Stay tuned for improvements!
