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Member since: May 2022Deals bought: 178
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 6, 2022

An absolutely great product!

Vyte is an absolutely great product. I used CalendarHero before and switched to Vyte completely with my team. The most important functions are already all included.
These include:
- Automatic links to Zoom/Microsoft Teams meetings in the appointments.
- An appointment link that you can send to your clients
- Round Robin
- GDPR compliance
- Own branding
- Sync multiple calendars
- Multilingualism

What I am still missing:
- A one time link for a meeting (You can vote for it here:
- Several Hublinks (for the appointment type selection)
- A better customization of the email texts (on the roadmap)
- Individual time settings for the reminder email (on the roadmap).

Otherwise just a great tool, which deserves 5 Tacos! Great work!

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thanks RobX!
Stay tuned for the features you upvoted on our roadmap :)
