Q: Hi, I bought tier 2, and happy to found a platform which is an alternative platform to Patreon: ) Just want ...
to check if you have plan to integrate with Albato (Automation), Invoice Crowd, Agiled (CRM), other than Mailchimp, what's in your pipe line for email marketing platform to integrate in future? Thanks

May 15, 2024A: Hello and thanks for your question and business. Albato will come yes, and pretty soon after Zapier (of which we're releasing V.1 in the next few hours). Email marketing wise more options will also be made available. I can mention HubSpot and Brevo, but in general it's important to understand that we are open to potentially infinite integrations, because our goal is to make available for creators the tools they need to run their business; in that optic we will have an open source plugins system in place where everybody can create such tools to integrate with the platform.