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Member since: Feb 2022Deals bought: 239
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jan 10, 2025

I deleted my one taco review and put back my five taco review since I also confirmed that the auto-indexing feature continues to work.

I did various tests with decent AI content, submitting 30+ pages to WarpIndex, and could auto-index a good portion of them (20% in 3 days), so the tool still works.

Message from WarpIndex to AppSumo Team:

We've been in touch with the WarpIndex team, and they have confirmed the tool is still operational and are committed to providing ongoing support for Sumo-lings. We understand there have been concerns about the auto-indexing feature, and the WarpIndex team provided more details on the performance of this feature, as shown below:

Many users have had sites that violate Google guidelines either because they have sensitive content or pages that have no or spam content. These pages do not get auto-indexed since Google refuses to index them in the first place. Our service auto-indexes pages that Google can accept in the first place. We explain this to users and close threads.

WarpIndex also detects errors on pages that prevent them from getting indexed (like duplicate content, 404 pages, etc.), highlights them in the dashboard, and naturally does not push them for indexing. We get a lot of tickets asking for help fixing these pages, which is outside the scope of our product.

Additionally, time to index pages can be highly variable since it depends on many factors, from content quality to the quality of the site and Google's capacity. So users sometimes see 100s of pages indexed on a day, then no pages for a few days, and then a burst of pages indexed again. We get at least a few dozen tickets daily, and users complain that "no page got indexed today" and "how much more time it will take to get indexed." We also check their site's replies with the reasons and inform them about the factors in play.

Original Review:

I was shocked: WarpIndex is the Superior Indexing Tool to URL Monitor.

You can't always trust reviews online, so I tested both software simultaneously.

The Test I did was to auto-index two of my test websites at the same time:

WarpIndex had the more significant test site,, at 604 pages.

URL Monitor had the smaller test site,, at 169 pages

WarpIndex found all of the RST site pages within minutes, and URL Monitor never found all the DD pages within hours.

URL Monitor Can't find 136 posts on the sitemap posts page, and the UI is not as aesthetically pleasing as WarpIndex's.

Warpindex 8 hours later indexed 50 pages of 604 pages found.

URL Index in 8 hours indexed five pages of 33 pages found

WarpIndex allows you to connect to multiple GSC accounts, while URL Index only allows you to connect to one.

I had to add to WarpIndex 8 hours later to find all 169 pages.

To set up URL Moniitor's Indexers, you have to set up 25 indexers, which takes 15-30 minutes, compared to WarpIndex, where you set up one Indexer, which takes 15-30 seconds.

A question for Shirin: Is the one Indexer we set up actually hooked up to multiple indexers on the backend since your software is so quick at indexing?

I was going to give URL Monitor 3 to 4 stars, but I couldn't even find any posts on!

I was in total shock. This is why you have to test yourself and not just read reviews online. I implore everyone to do their own tests as well. If you don't have time, I refund URL Monitor and go all in on Warp Index Tier 5.

Also, I apologize to Shirin since I left a question that garnered a massive amount of likes. I assumed URL Monitor was better at the time of WarpIndex's launch on Appsumo, but boy, I was wrong!

She and her team had to fight an uphill battle right when she launched on AppSumo, but if you need to know which software is better, that is easy. WarpIndex deserves 5 stars for its stellar performance, especially with what is coming on the roadmap.
