Q: hi if you use gtmetrix.
com , your site has poor performance althopugh good structure
and almost all your featured websites ( built by webboss) have poor performance also !!
maybe you could look into it
it might be you have good chassis and good components but the fuel lines and wires used
to conect everything are throttling everything.
Hi bhagsy
Website speed and performance is something we are always trying to improve and work on. The new servers have load balancing, global CDN and edge caching to help with this too, and any site we build we optimise as much as possible. But sometimes when sites are handed over to clients, they don't use optimised images or files and add extra bloat to the site content which is out of our control (which may be the case with the featured sites you saw).
Pre-purchase question: Is there any reason not to optimize your homepage(https://webboss.io/) yet? Your site GTMatrix perfomance is D(47%), Pingdom is B(83), PageSpeed Insights is 38 on mobile. Thanks.