Q: What kind of web domain are we given for free (tier 1 onwards)?

Is .com given?
What about hosting fee is part of tier 1 code onwards?

heartwareApr 9, 2023
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Posted: Apr 17, 2023

Hi teflonmind

All sites get a free subdomain when you create it. After that, you can purchase a domain and attach it to the site.

All hosting costs are covered in the life time deal.

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Posted: Aug 21, 2023

Wow, way to bury the headline!
If I buy 50 websites now I get 50 domains at no cost for the first year?

Please tell me this is true!

Next on my bucket list (request) is a commission system or affiliation program where I can make money on referrals sending clients back to WebBoss for if I chose to sunset the client.

Posted: Aug 23, 2023

Hi ojibwe

Yes, you will get a "YOURSITE.webboss.site" subdomain per website (so 50 unique subdomains if you install 50 websites).

We do also have an affiliate program for hosting referrals, with varying levels of % based on the type of package referred.