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Member since: Apr 2022Deals bought: 60
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Posted: May 26, 2023

Regular folks must read

I will admit a code widget would be amazing.

I'm just your average boring accountant that was looking to get "affordable" websites up and running for a nonprofit and branches our services we wanted separate small sites.

It took longer to check out and pay for the product than it did for the site to get setup and running. The accuracy has been perfect for the three we have done so far. We just made some image changes.

Speaking out of ignorance on websites in general but $39 lifetime fee for something a local "developer" wants $10k for, can't be beat. Looking forward to using the social media and newletter functions.

I think even for the home user/DIY'er like myself it would be cool to have a central login instead of having to separate ones for each company or venture. Unfortunately, we are hooked on the lifetime fee. Monthly gets out of hand like our gym memberships.
