Webwhiz - a quiet 5-Taco Star!
Very seldom do I write reviews, however, Webwhiz and its CEO Sachin are the most accessible and precise in their answers - if you ask the right questions.
So why no hype?
Because Webwhiz is a quiet runner with lots of inner strength and worth.
If the user trains the Chatbot (which of course requires some work and also insight into the workings of LLMs) the answers are fast and to the point.
The most important part besides Q&A, however, is: Webwhiz is an open-source project with very clean and open code - you even may install it on your own server!
I chose the convenience of the cloud-based solution here from Appsumo.
Probably due to the open-source Attitude, Webwhiz is very lean on the website's resources. Other Chat solutions call 50 or more HTML requests, smuggling in Google, Facebook, and other tracking tools. Webwhiz only needs 6 HTML calls, 3 of them Cloudflare-CDN which is even okay in Europe in Terms of GDPR. No cookies, no fluff.
And Sachin is working on full GDPR compliance already.
I agree with all the previous reviewers and hope I can add something valuable to the Webwhiz ratings.
I hope for a quiet and steady hype around Webwhiz.