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Member since: Nov 2021Deals bought: 136
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 3, 2022

Nice app for productivity

I tried a few apps similar for keeping track of tasks that I need to do and sorting out business and home tasks. I like the checkboxes in this one, oddly some apps over complicate tasks but this one simplifies them and helps you plan them out.

・There are instructions how to use weekplan inside of the app, I have not checked all of them but they also give insights on how to best plan out tasks "HIT tasks" are red and will make the biggest impact. That is a nice touch. The instructions I have read so far are very straight forward and clear.
・You can sort out different spaces for different things, like for me home and business. So it you can select the space to see the tasks for them specifically
・The fact it focuses one week at a time (you can plan other weeks as well) is nice because it is not overwhelming. You see what you need to see from the week view. This app helps you focus on the week, which is why I like it the best and will be keeping it. You can change it to the month view for sorting things out or if you prefer that.
・I love when you click the checkbox for finishing a task, it makes a nice sounding ding and kinda sends confetti around the box. It is very satisfying and a nice touch.
・The inbox option is another nice touch, you can email tasks and it will send them to the "inbox" to sort out later.
・you can set reoccurring tasks
・There is a mobile app

・I do wish you could drag tasks around in the mobile app but honestly it is not a deal breaker for me.
・The mobile app feels more like adding to the day you are on, checking off tasks or tasks putting tasks to the inbox. I might be missing something though.
・The UI is okay. Theres a learning curve, I still have not figured out all the features work and have yet to have time to read all the instructions (on the other hand even just using it without checking how everything works has helped me to keep things organized and focus on high impact tasks)

If you want to simplify things and just get stuff done without having massive overwhelming lists or being bogged down by things you don't need. Try out this app!
