Q: Client Portal

Hi, as client portal, that mean each of my client can have their space to interact with us? each of them can sign up as our customer, this is the main role, another role is guest, that mean they will see one space content, and if they sign up they will see content and areas that only can see by related customer right?

102072697914773132424PLUSDec 16, 2024
Founder Team


Dec 18, 2024

A: Hello,

Thank you for your question. There are indeed several roles on the platform:

The admin: he can see and do everything on his platform (access to folders, modification, program management, etc.).

The manager: has the same rights as an admin, but only on certain programs.

Evaluator: has access to a specific zone (evaluation zone) where he/she can see the files to be evaluated (the manager chooses which ones), and the evaluation grid for each of them.

The observer: only has read-only access to certain files (the manager chooses which ones).

Public accounts: these are the people who fill in the forms. They have access to a specific area (they see their current forms, can contact the admins via messaging, fill in the available forms, etc.).

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Posted: Dec 19, 2024

Are these portals similar to paywalls? Can customers buy something and see what they bought (digital downloads) from inside the portals?

Posted: Dec 19, 2024

Hello afterlight !

Thank you for your question!

While our platform wasn’t designed as a traditional paywall, you can use a combination of a validation step and a payment step to block candidates until they’ve completed the payment.

We also offer "information steps" where you can add text or media content, accessible only after the payment is completed.

Let us know if you’d like more details.

Posted: Dec 19, 2024

To find out more about the course and steps of your programs, I invite you to consult this article: https://help.wiin.io/portal/en/kb/articles/the-course-and-the-step