Worktivity - Employee Monitoring and Productivity Suite For Teams

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Member since: Apr 2021Deals bought: 50
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Aug 18, 2023

useworktivity works for us

after trying out clowdwork and desklog (also on appsumo at the time) I decided on

UX/UI is nice.

They are actively developing the software to include some very valuable features.

like project and task based time tracking, productivity reports, employee pay etc

wishing you all the best useworktivity and looking forward to seeing the platform develop in the near future.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you very much for your valuable feedback!

Receiving comments like these boosts our team's motivation to the highest levels,
We will continue on our path with new features in a short period of time :)

I took a general look at Taskade and couldn't find a public documentation, but we will be getting in touch with them :)

Thank you!
