Yay Images
Unlimited downloads with over 15M stock photos, 3M vectors & 250K videos with flexible licensing
The right stock image or video can make or break your marketing campaigns.
But discovering the perfect asset is like trying to find that one funny tweet from a week ago. (“Which thread had that Padme and Anakin meme about sandwich meat?”)
Say goodbye to endless searching, confusing licensing, and expensive content.
Let’s hear it for Yay Images!
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Yay Images offers a rich stock library of over 15 million high-quality photos, vectors, HD videos, and more, plus lifetime downloads and extended licensing.
With assets contributed by creators from around the world, Yay Images has everything you need to create stunning visual content.
Get unlimited downloads for life starting at 5 download credits per day, so you can cover all of your asset needs with ease.
You’ll never have to worry about reusing the same stale stock assets again.

Explore a massive library of royalty-free images, HD videos, vectors, and illustrations!
What about the elephant in the room: image licensing?
Yay Images offers both standard commercial and extended licenses for all assets in their library, which means all assets are safe for printed products and your client’s websites.
Not only is the extended license included, but you also get copyright protection since the models and property owners have already signed release forms, keeping you out of legal trouble.

Images are royalty-free and may be used for commercial purposes (both online and print).
There’s nothing more frustrating than a clunky search feature standing in the way of you and the images you need.
That's why Yay Images offers advanced, detailed search features to help you find exactly the assets you’re looking for.
Use reverse image search to find visually similar photos, search for images with space for text, or simply filter by color.
You can also search for images with a specific number of people, filter based on size requirements, and much more!
Find exactly what you’re looking for with advanced search tools.

You know that feeling when you find the perfect reaction GIF? Of course you do. (“This Slack thread about expense reports calls for Homer Simpson disappearing into the bushes.”)
Yay Images gives you that feeling every time you need quality stock assets.
Take advantage of over 15 million licensed stock assets from thousands of creators around the world.
Get lifetime access to Yay Images today!
Plans & features
Deal terms & conditions
- Lifetime access to Yay Images
- All future Special Lifetime Membership Offer Plan updates
- If Plan name changes, deal will be mapped to the new Plan name with all accompanying updates
- You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
- Stack up to 5 codes
- Previous AppSumo customers will be grandfathered into any new features and feature limits
- Previous AppSumo customers who purchased Yay Images can buy more codes to increase their feature limits
60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it's right for you!
Features included in all plans
- Choose from over 15 million premium assets:
- 200,000+ HD videos
- 2,000,000+ vectors
- 13,000,000+ images
- Advanced search features & filters
- Text space search
- Project folders
- High-resolution images
- Celebrity images
- People search
- Color search
- Visual search
- Commercial licenses, standard and extended
- Lifetime download history access