
Your meeting agendas, notes, and action items all in one place

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When it comes to running the business, you’ve got it locked down like Fort Knox.

But when it comes time for meetings, your team is scattered like flying monkeys across emails, Google Docs, and Slack channels.

You need a platform that keeps agendas, notes, tasks, feedback, and everything in between all on the same page.

Say hello to your new Executive Assistant, SoapBox.


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Create shared agendas, notes, and action items for 1:1 or team meetings
Get real-time feedback, insights, and analytics into the effectiveness of your meetings
Integrate with the tools you’re already using, like Slack, Google, and Outlook
Best for: Managers looking to increase meeting productivity and organize notes, agendas, and feedback in one place


SoapBox is a note-taking and agenda management tool designed to build better relationships between managers and their teams.

Managers love SoapBox because it allows them to bring everyone together on a single platform.

Gone are the days of CTRL+F’ing your way through emails to find meeting notes or adding agendas to calendar invites.

With SoapBox’s shared agendas, everyone can contribute before, during, and after your meeting.

Just set up an agenda, invite your team to join, and take notes as items are discussed. It sounds way too easy...because it totally is.

One shared space for one-on-one and team meeting agendas.

With a shared agenda, everyone comes to the meeting prepared to dive into the conversation.

Use the scratchpad to take notes that carry over from meeting to meeting, whether they pertain to goals or feedback.

The public scratchpad keeps all meeting participants informed, while the private scratchpad lets you jot notes for your eyes only.

Summarize agenda items in your meeting to document key decisions.

After the meeting, Soapbox will automatically email your meeting notes, including agenda items, next steps, and summaries.

Take shared and private notes that give context to your meetings with the scratchpad.

Teamwork makes the dream work, so getting everyone synced up is key.

Nothing falls through the cracks on Soapbox’s watch.

Once you’ve gone through the agenda, you can assign next steps and tasks with due dates for each individual.

Need to refer back to a meeting but the cal invite is lost in a sea of emails?

Have no fear—your previous notes are always available in the “Past Meetings” tab of the app.

Assign meeting follow-up so that nothing falls through the cracks.

Want to know how that meeting went?

SoapBox makes it easy to send a quick post-meeting survey to track and improve meeting quality over time.

Collect feedback on your meetings so you can improve them over time.

Then you can use the "Insights" tab to learn more about what you're discussing and get guidance on how to improve your conversations.

SoapBox even prompts topics based on your recent interactions, like a best friend that finishes your sentences.

Skip the hassle of on-boarding yet another tool into your workflow.

SoapBox is easy to use, and integrates with the tools you're already using, like Slack, Google Calendar and Asana.

Have more meaningful conversations based on useful meeting insights.

The key to a successful meeting isn’t just showing up with bagels and coffee (although your team members will definitely thank you).

It’s about collaboration, organization, and ideas that turn into actionable items.

SoapBox handles the meeting process from start to finish (and beyond), so you can move from chaos to harmony.

Lock in access today!

P.S. Learn how to use SoapBox like a pro by catching our training webinar replay here: Webinar Replay!

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