Plus Day

Plus Day

Our celebration for all things AppSumo Plus members has ended 😭, but don't worry Sumo-ling, you can still shop our hottest deals below 🔥!

If you're not a Plus member, you can still join Plus to get all of the other awesome membership benefits.

We're talking 10% off all AppSumo purchases, early and extended access to deals, exclusive access to our private entrepreneurial community The Sauce, and members-only deals.

2 products
AppSumo Plus Yearly Plan
AppSumo Plus Yearly Plan
AppSumo Select
AppSumo Plus Yearly Planin Productivity
Get exclusive AppSumo deals, perks, and discounts with extra purchase protection and support
MonSpark Server Monitoring
MonSpark Server Monitoring
AppSumo Select
MonSpark Server Monitoringin Development tools
Monitor your CPU and server performance with real-time alerts and insights