Q: Hi, I love the idea behind Adam.

However, I have a few concerns, making this work for our (smaller) team, covering different fields:

I would like to use Adam as the birds eye view for all our meetings (both internal and external).
Starting from a marketing perspective: IT tasks, ecommerce, workflow management, events,... covering all fields to get work done according to the meetings.

I've done some research already; my questions so far:

1) Is a user a member or does an "attendee" count as a user as well?
2) If a member leaves the company, the member can be set "inactive" but not deleted (for logging purposes). Is that a lost user (going from 20 to 19 let's say for the single plan)?
3) Is there a way to grant access to certain projects or individual meetings (inheritance as default) to certain members, while they are not invited to the meeting itself (with a possibility to receive an alert with every update; which can be individually changed)? Should be handy to keep certain people in the running while they're only needed for overhead.
4) Is there an absence list to know who was invited and who actually came to the meeting?
5) Is there a way to see pending tasks over all the meetings (for follow-up purposes)?
6) I'm a bit confused with the projects. Isn't there a possibility for subdivisions or labels to sort and combine those in a way? Every project can consist of smaller projects. ie. Building an ecommerce site can be the overhead project, while you can have people building on different aspects: design, front-end development, back-end development, testing, API, content, support,... which are projects on itself.
7) Can you have recurring meetings and templates (with a suggestion/reminder to plan this in at a given time)? Let's say 3-monthly meetings for analysis, content briefing,... annual reports...
8) Can you link actions to new meeting across different projects (making Adam work in a "marketing/managing" kind of way)?
IE. If you're analysing data on a management level and you want to delegate a team towards better content as an action, you're actually initiating a new meeting for a different subroutine of that project.
(an example: overhead project: "ecommerce" -> project: "site analytics" -> subject: "3-monthly overhead meeting with stakeholders" with possible action: "different engaging content"; RESULTING: overhead project: "ecommerce" -> project: "site content with content marketing" -> subject for meeting: "looking into possibilities for better content").
9) How are actions linked with Trello and is this bidirectional?
10) Where can we submit bugs in a fast way? Isn't there a build in bug report in the backend? (I came across a few)

I want Adam to work, but I'm still struggling to make it work, compared to just using different kanban boards for projects. Feel free to advice in this...

Thank you in advance.
kind regard,

DieterV.Jul 16, 2020
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