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    Create all your ads from one place

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    AdEspresso is an all-in-one ad management platform that allows marketers and businesses to create, test, and manage ads easily across the most popular platforms, including Facebook, Google, Instagram, and more.

    One of the tool’s key features is allowing users to create and automatically test multiple versions of a single ad campaign.

    For example, after connecting your Facebook account, you can create a campaign, name it, choose your promotion type, and upload multiple ad texts and images, which will be mixed up and shared with your target audience.

    AdEspresso will then test all the campaigns against each other, and after the campaign is over, it will let you know which ad performed the best, and you can promote it even more to get better results. So, the tool allows marketers to gain valuable insight into their audience and generate maximum ROI.

    AdEspresso’s user-friendly ad creator makes it easy for anyone to create powerful ads across channels and manage them from a single dashboard. The tool ​​supports Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads campaign creation.

    It enables you to use one solution for all the advertising channels you need. As a result, you will spend less time switching from one ads manager to the other and more time managing ads and making money.

    AdEspresso allows you to analyze your ad campaigns from diverse channels and get actionable insights. This will enable you to make data-backed decisions and inspire your future moves to success. Plus, extracting data from AdEspresso is easy—you will not be lost in hundreds of data columns.

    AdEspresso lets you customize your main graph to show only metrics relevant to you or to dig into specific metrics for your campaign or individual ads. This allows you to focus on metrics that matter the most to your business.

    Managing multiple projects or customers simultaneously? AdEspresso has you covered. You can add tags to your campaigns to organize them into segments and facilitate aggregated reporting for each one of your campaigns.

    Collaboration features allow marketers and ad managers to easily access their clients' accounts, get approvals in minutes, and go live in just a few clicks. No more dealing with lost emails and missed launch deadlines. AdEspresso's integrated campaign approval process allows your management or leadership to navigate your campaign and approve or reject it quickly.

    Key features

    • Create and manage ads from one place
    • Integrated split testing options
    • Automatically test and only keep the best ads running
    • Easily collaborate with your managers and clients
    • Get insights and analytics to inform your actions
    • Spend less time on ad managers and use a single dashboard for all channels
    • Easily see through aggregated reports with ad tags


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    AdEspresso home page
    AdEspresso home page
    Get powerful analytics with AdEspresso
    Get powerful analytics with AdEspresso
    Get detailed performance reporting on your cross-platform ads
    Get detailed performance reporting on your cross-platform ads
    Easily manage ads across channels
    Easily manage ads across channels
    Automated PDF reporting
    Automated PDF reporting


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