Mind... blown
"Why is this free", or "can't be much if I don't have to pay"... you might think? Think again sport! Yes, this is free. It's so Jeff can BLOW YOUR MIND with practical knowledge and real-world experience.
The best way to get noticed by skeptical agency owners and freelancers is to give them TONS of value. That is exactly what Jeff is doing with this course (and has been doing from the start).
Of course, when you're there you might notice his other courses. I can tell you, they rock. My biggest problem right now (even in COVID times) is to the find time to finish all the work I've been able to do now. I started selling the services Jeff teaches even when I was half-way through the course. Clients love the fact I do the work and can explain WHY/HOW. They are just as skeptical about you as you are about this course. Expect they have to actually pay you. How much to charge? Well, setting your prices is also in one of Jeff's courses. Find out yourself.