Ägile Ässets

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Q: Ägile Ässets really has great vibes! Do you have a community?

Just like someone else mentioned in their review for Ägile Ässets – I totally get what they mean, there's a unique feel to Ägile Ässets, well done! By the way, do you guys hang out online somewhere, community-wise, like a Facebook group, Discord server, Circle, or Reddit?

MyLTDPLUSMar 7, 2025
Founder Team


Mar 10, 2025

A: Hey there myLTD, thanks for checking in and the nice feedback - we're happy to hear about the special vibes / unique feel - for me, it's simply clear that this is about much more than just providing nicely arranged code but really making the work and lives of marketers more enjoyable again. We're indeed these days up to setting up what I would call our 'ecosystem'. With the high tendency for unexpected shifts to happen, I would like to keep it as independent as possible, so we tend towards Slack for example. Open for suggestions, still (feel free to email me, ok? team@agile-assets.ai) We're definitely on the way to create something community-style that will allow the cool people we have here to mingle more with each other. :) Thanks for the nudge, it's good to know that this direction is wished for - have a great week!
Kristin [Founder + Product Lead]

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Posted: Mar 10, 2025

Thanks, thumbs up :-)