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Q: Supported languages

Looks very promising 🤩 wich languages are supported with Agile Assets? And is it dedicated/native translation or more kinda automated wich have to be checked sentence by sentence?😅 I am looking for English, Dutch, German and maybe Thai.

Best regards, Ivo 🇳🇱

info7159YFeb 14, 2025
Founder Team


Feb 14, 2025

A: Hey there Ivo! Thanks for your interest and the nice feedback - the tool is indeed a huge help for our users. :) Referring languages: It was built with the vision to be used all over the globe (which it is already), so built in a way that is mostly language-neutral, highly visual (and brain-friendly), does not use a lot of words in the system at all. In our Mägic Ed addition (the AI based post creation assistant) you can ask him to create the caption in any language that is available in the GPT background - English, Dutch, German work high quality there, typically (and if you try it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffO3zzELPTM&lc=UgzWJ5QRByghdZgP0yZ4AaABAg you'll see it is much more than just GPT, it has a special briefing layer based on my experience of 20 years of briefing creative people and copy writers).
Just for fun, I have just now given it a test with Thai - and it looks, well, 'real' - I could not really judge its quality. You might want to try for yourself. :) Basically it seems to work fine. :)
If you work in several languages, we have another tweak for you that often goes underused: You can create variations for each post, use the for different languages (this also means for example a layout with a quote in a different version for another language), connect and map them to parallel calendars. It's wonderful if you need to manage a brand across languages. :)
Overall, if you want to work with colleagues, if they understand basic English, they will be just fine to work with our tool.
Hope that helps and would be great to welcome you there! Snowy greets from Munich (Kristin, founder/product lead)

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