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Member since: Jan 2023Deals bought: 105
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Posted: Oct 12, 2023

Buggy software- terrible customer service

I read somewhere, "A software is only as good as its customer support." And that is very true! Unfortunately, I've had an extremely negative experience with Agiled software and its customer support. My primary issue revolved around email deliverability, and my interactions with Agiled's customer support were nothing short of frustrating. Their response times were excessively long, a significant concern, particularly for CRM software upon which my business heavily relies.

When they finally did respond, their messages were disappointingly brief and unhelpful. It gave the impression that they didn't genuinely care about resolving the issue. I had spent approximately two weeks setting up the software, learning its intricacies, and importing data, only to discover that I wasn't receiving notification emails. I even reached out to my email provider, who whitelisted Agiled's emails. Despite their assurances that no filtration would occur, I continued to encounter email deliverability problems. I didn't receive notification emails, and even something as critical as a password reset request email failed to reach me. Furthermore, the synchronization of invoices from QuickBooks was problematic. My multiple attempts to seek help regarding this issue went unanswered for two weeks until I decided to cancel my account and request a refund.

In my final email, I expressed my dissatisfaction and warned that their customer service was the worst I'd ever encountered. I stated that if they remained unresponsive, I would cancel my account and leave an honest review that reflected the level of customer service received. Sadly, they didn't even acknowledge this message, giving the impression that they simply didn't care. (it has been weeks past and yet there is no response!)

Adding to the list of issues, the software's environment felt outdated, and even basic tasks proved challenging. Email communication was one-way, meaning that when customers responded to emails sent from the software, their responses didn't appear in the CRM. This rendered the point of email communication and syncing with the CRM essentially moot since the email history wasn't recorded.

These are just a few of the challenges I've encountered. While I had a lifetime deal, and in theory, it could be worthwhile, I can't continue using a CRM plagued by these issues, especially given the complete absence of reliable support. If an issue were to arise, my business would be left hanging for weeks, with no guarantee of a solution. I'm thankful that I identified these problems early on, sparing me from the headache of discovering them after it was too late. My suggestion to anybody who considering purchasing this software go and read negative reviews first. If you see they all have something in common just stay away, even if it is tempting and seems to be a great deal. You are saving yourself so much headache.
