AskYourDatabase Questions

Showing 1 - 20 of 20 questions

Q: Desktop app in my name?

1. Why do you use an outdated model for analysis like 3.5? My extensive experience with this model is that is worthless compared to 4o mini. I consider investing if you change the models to the most recent and in the future
2. Is the desktop app in my name?
3. Is neon a good platform for the database
4. Can the chatbot embedded on site be used by anyone?
5. Do you have a mechanism to create login on the chatbot to protect data and for me to sell access?

zeroleftPLUSSep 27, 2024
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Sep 27, 2024

A: 1. We have already changed 3.5 to 4o-mini, but didn't change the copywrite though.
2. Sorry what do you mean by "in my name"?
3. Yes that's a good platform.
4. Yes.
5. Of course, please see our integration tutorial.


Q: download of the visualisation

Are you planning to add the ability to download the generated visualisations? It has been shown in the you tube video that now it is impossible.

abes35476PLUSSep 26, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 26, 2024

A: Hi there currently you can get the image by using some screencast tool, and we will ship this feature soon, probably next month.


Q: Querry code and embedding

I want to know if I can consider every chatbit as a project, connect a db and save tive asking for optimal querry code to get information from that specific db structure with its routes, variable names.
In that way, I copy the querry code and paste in my app. So I am saving time developing that code.
1. Is possible to use askyourdatabase in this way? In wich languages is possible?
2. Can I get the code to generate the charts or other visualizations? In wich languages is possible?
3. Can I embed visualization generated by askyourdatabase in my web site, so, changing data, the embedded visuals keep updeated?
Thank you.

mario_moreno_millanPLUSSep 25, 2024
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Sep 26, 2024

A: 1. Of course yuo can do it in this way, it support multiple languages.
2. It can generate charts but will not show the python code. But when you ask for ai it will tell you. It works in Python.
3. Right now you can only embed the chatbot, for BI dashboard embedding will support than in the next few months.


Q: Queries

1. What is website chatbot, can I see working demo?

2. You mention 3.5 and then 4, so what's the difference? What happens if you introduce another higher model?

3. Where are you based, team size and years in business?

4. I have WordPress site, how can it help me

5. if I want to do Excel, CSV based analysis and build charts, graphs can it help me. For example, I have survey questionnaire data in Excel, this includes both quantitative and qualitative data, there are independent and dependent variables and I want to show correlation, causation between them through analysis and graphs, suggest me how to handle this challenge.

6. What about BYOK, you mentioned.


VK_2018PLUSSep 25, 2024
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Founder Team


Sep 25, 2024

A: 1. You can see it here:
2. GPT-4 is smarter than GPT-3.5, we will keep shiping the best model to users who have GPT-4 access.
3. We are incorporated in US, have been doing this product over 1.5 year.
4. You can connect this tool to your wordpress mysql db to do data management, like insert some content.
5. Currently not support Excel, will do...


Q: how to cancel query?

Is there a way to stop the "Querying Database..." message in the desktop app?

kennyrohPLUSSep 25, 2024
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