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Member since: Apr 2020Deals bought: 486
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 11, 2021

Awesome Community Chatroom

This is a nifty chat application that can be embedded quickly and almost anywhere. I really like it a lot for what it is, a simple and clean chat application. It has a solid set of features such as file sharing, audio calls, and whiteboard. On the admin side, it is very powerful regarding what kind of access, user settings, and features you which to include in each segment.

The UI is okay, I wish I could customize it further and make a dark mode as well as have it automatically load and open to the groups page rather than contacts page. I think this is important so that people understand what they are landing on when they open your chatroom page, especially for the first time, and you want them to navigate quickly to designated groups.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Thank you for your endorsement, dynolion :)

We have planned a few revamps this year-next year and that includes a UI rewrite :)
