Is this app going to create google friendly HTML5 ads every time?

Is this app going to create google friendly HTML5 ads every time? I had a bad experience with a competitor and just want to be able to rely that whatever is pumped out, is going to be accepted. Anything noteworthy to mention for future development?

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    Michael_BannerBooFounder team
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    Hello, Vik_smbreviewer!

    Our team has extensive experience in HTML ads production. We worked as an advertising production studio before creating BannerBoo, and we made thousands of campaigns for international clients. So far, we haven't had any issues with clients who created HTML5 and AMPHTML ads in BannerBoo.

    Whatever the case, even if you experience difficulties, we are quick to fix them.

    Regarding future development ā€“ as you can see from our updates, we are moving fast and don't plan on slowing down. Below is the Roadmap ā€“ feel free to suggest improvements.