A: Hi, so the idea with Base.me is that those 100/200 links a week are the new ones.. If you have your own database with 10k links, you can upload them when you create your account and we will track their health and wont deduct this from 100/200 new monthly links...
For more information, you can contact me ono Steph@base.me and we can have a demo call
Q: If we buy more than 2 codes, we can get access to Dibz and Reportz by emailing support?
Also, do you provide link/domain metrics without needing us to integrate third party accounts? Or do we need to bring our own ahrefs account to get those metrics?
A: Yes, you can do both things.. Regarding second one you can always use Custom Fields to track anything you need. It may be easier to hoop on a Demo call so I can show you how too set up everything correctly..
Sorry about that. I'll look into what happened with your email. To avoid asking for your email here, can you forward your last email to rad@base.me please, and I'll take it from there.
hi there and thank you for your reply. i forwarded the email to you on the same day but haven't heard back unfortunately. maybe it got redirected into your spam folder or something (?)
Q: If my domain already has 10,000 backlinks, will I be able to track those links using Base.
me? Or is it just for future link building and it keeps adding 100/200..links every month based on the tier?
May 15, 2024A: Hi, so the idea with Base.me is that those 100/200 links a week are the new ones..
If you have your own database with 10k links, you can upload them when you create your account and we will track their health and wont deduct this from 100/200 new monthly links...
For more information, you can contact me ono Steph@base.me and we can have a demo call
Share Base - Backlink Management Software
Q: If we buy more than 2 codes, we can get access to Dibz and Reportz by emailing support?
Also, do you provide link/domain metrics without needing us to integrate third party accounts? Or do we need to bring our own ahrefs account to get those metrics?
Share Base - Backlink Management Software
Q: Will you stay here additional days for Appsumo plus members after the next 24h deadline closes?
Share Base - Backlink Management Software
Verified purchaser
Hey Jinx,
Great question :) and, honestly, I have no idea :D
Three days will change nothing in the general setup of things, but it's up to the Appsumo crew to decide and manage that.
We'll see in 15 hours :)
Thanks for having such a slow support. At least that’s a clue.
Q: Is it possible to monitor: a) bought baclinks b) exchanged baclinks....
but also in 3 way so someone add baclinks ABC to webpage1... i link from webpage b to webpage ABC
May 15, 2024A: Yes, you can do both things..
Regarding second one you can always use Custom Fields to track anything you need.
It may be easier to hoop on a Demo call so I can show you how too set up everything correctly..
You can contact me on Steph@base.me
Share Base - Backlink Management Software
Q: do you offer some paid onboarding?
i sent an email to your team with 2 reminders and nobody replied until now unfortionately
May 15, 2024A: Hi MJR,
Sorry for the late reply on this one!
Please do contact me on Steph@base.me and I will resolve everything regarding onboarding ASAP
Share Base - Backlink Management Software
Sorry about that. I'll look into what happened with your email.
To avoid asking for your email here, can you forward your last email to rad@base.me please, and I'll take it from there.
hi there and thank you for your reply. i forwarded the email to you on the same day but haven't heard back unfortunately. maybe it got redirected into your spam folder or something (?)