Q: How to align elements? Guidelines?

I'm trying out Baseline.

I really like the brand guide and the overall concept.

However, in the design editor, I can't seem to find some basic functions:

- Adding a shape with just a border.
- There's no way to align elements, like text boxes.
- There aren't any guidelines.

I can't imagine designers aligning elements just by eyeballing it.

Am I missing something here?

Are any of these improvements planned?


4c48c3e5c1d84dd4980d949d4f057b91PLUSNov 5, 2024
Founder Team


Nov 5, 2024

A: Yes those things are planned. Some are underway but we got a bit too ambitious with that update and bundled too many improvements for the design editor, some of which got hit by some due too complicated issues we need to solve, and thus delayed the whole thing. However we plan to get back at it soon and publish those improvements incrementally instead of one big update like we were trying.

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Posted: Nov 7, 2024

Thank you for the feedback. I hope you implement the improvements for the design editor. :-)