Q: Partager les écran et tableau blanc ?
- Peut-on partager nos écrans entre hôtes?
- Avons-nous la possibilité d'avoir un tableau blanc sur lequel dessiner pour partager plus rapidement avec un styler sur une ardoise connectée par exemple ?
Bien cordialement,
Oct 27, 2024A: Hi Nicolas,
Thank you for considering BeHuman.Online for your online experiences 🎉
Hosts and attendees can share screens any time when on video together. At the top-left of your browser, there's a button to share screen when you're in an active video call.
When you have a moment, please try any of our public demos to play with the screen share feature. I also recommend to register for an account, and experience the backend as a host.
Here are some links to a few demos:
At the moment we don't have a whiteboard feature, but we'll make an announcement if it is added 🙂
Please email our support at support@behuman.online if you have other questions!