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Member since: Feb 2017Deals bought: 218
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1 stars
Posted: Nov 23, 2024

Low quality output (Bhuman is left behind)

The premise of this tool is sound, but the execution is lacking (I bought Bhuman very long time ago, and I had enough time to experiment and test). The biggest problems are low quality output even when recording under "ideal" conditions, as instructed, and bugs. So many things didn't work for months and support (while trying to be helpful and friendly) just kept saying they contacted the dev team but things never got resolved. So many new tools on the market which didn't set out to be in this space already built a better product/feature! Sendspark is one example! Last but not least, horrible attitude from the founder who is dismissive of feedback and seems to care about comments/questions ONLY once they're back on Appsumo to uphold the public image (it's not working by the way). Why were serious questions ignored for almost a year? I suggest you listen to your customers and consider these negative reviews as a wake up call. We "invested" into your business by buying LTD from an unknown company hoping to use it long-term, so success of Bhuman is important for every customer. Focusing on improving the core functionality of your product might be a good next step. Thank you

Founder Team


Nov 24, 2024

Hi, can you please share the results? We'd be more than happy to help you. Finally, what do you mean I only care about customers when we're on AppSumo? We literally live stream for an hour everyday, which now has been increased to 2 hours every day. I am not aware of a single other tool on AppSumo that does that. And we've been doing it for over a year now. Feel free to join one of our office hours for hands on help so we can get you up and running:
