Q: How does the e-signing docs and room limitations work?

What does 10 or 50 e-signing docs or room mean? Is that lifetime limitation? Monthly limit? How does that work?

Does the limited number mean I can only have 10/50 documents signed lifetime and that's it? Can I delete rooms to accommodate new ones or is it cumulative?

ApplePiePLUSSep 27, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 27, 2024

A: Hi! the eSigning document limit is per month and not for lifetime, so say you buy Tier 3, you will be able to send 100 eSignable documents each month.
For data room it is the limit on live data rooms (you can have as many data room as you want, no limit. Just thje ones that are live and are being shared are limited). So you can disable a data room to free up capacity whenever you like. Its not cumulative. So say you have 100 data room active, you can disable one (no need to delete) and then free up capacity to share another one.

I have asked AppSumo team to update our pricing page to make this more clear.

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